One boyfriend, I met at the bookstore. Right away you think, "Can't be SO bad, shopping in the bookstore?" Wrong, though! This dodger followed me in when I wasn't looking! (He told me later ... like he was proud of it!)
Hmm-hm-hmmm, thinks Akane shopping for books. She takes one off the shelf (fantasy section). "Oh, Miss! That's a good one, trust me!" Is it a helping shop staff boy? No, just some guy, okay-level cute. His hair, though ... messy! It's a bad haircut mixed with no-good combing. But he smiles so nicely and has smart-guy-ish glasses. I like smart guys! "What's it about?" (I only thought the cover looked like a promise of excitement ... steampunk girl with very large gun and breasts.) "Oh, it's so good! I won't burgle your reading joy with spoilers. So, so good! Look, I'll buy it for you and also take you to coffee, how about it?"
Free book + free coffee + smart-looking and okay-cute guy = "Sure, yes! Thank you so much!"
At the counter, he has a gift card. Okay, so he's not spending big on me, just a guy with spare gift-card money. But then ... same at the cafe! No trouble though, right? Somebody likes this guy enough to give him gift cards, I think.
Coffee wrecks the will of Akane! Tasty and the odor, so good!
Gift-card Guy has a hot stare.
Blog Readers, his stare! SO hot.
He's talking this and that. I ask what novelists appeal most for him, and it's warning sign number 1! "Oh, I don't pay so much attention to authors." That dodger! But he's staring at me so hot while he talks, and his smile has nice enthusiasm too.
I'm thinking, "This guy wants to have sex with you, Akane. Do you want ANOTHER right-away sex-doing boyfriend?" Then I'm thinking, "I don't know, I'm so sex-hungry!" Too hard to think looking at such a hot stare.
"So ... you must have a boyfriend, right? It's obvious, considering how pretty you are."
"No, I broke up with the last one."
"What a loser!" He laughs so loud! It makes me mad, a little. He thinks I'd be dating a loser! But still ... it's true, isn't it, Akane? (Yes, last guy was a loser. Ugh, such a bad boyfriend! Loud with snoring and many farts in the night! So gaseous.) "Let me tell you, Akane, if I was your boyfriend I'd guarantee it ... you won't want to break up, ever!" (Wrong!) "I'll be so good in the boyfriend department!" (Nope.) "Let me take you to dinner!"
So that night we're in my apartment making sex. He's doing okay, pretty good in the erection area, a very fast thruster. "Uh! Uh! Uh! Akane! Uh! Uh! Uh!" Not so creative in the sex-talk area, and very grunty. My vagina really wants his cream, though, so it doesn't mind the gruntiness. "Uh! Uh! Uhhhh!" So ... uh-oh, he sounds close. No orgasm yet for Akane! The sex is good enough, penis doing an all-right job, but it's so soon ... not yet!
(I orgasm very fast, mostly. But I didn't tell you, he has glasses off for the sex, and without them, his eyes are so crossed! There's okay sex happening in my vagina, but the crossed eyes ... so distracting.)
So disappointing! His very first time in me, and he's so impolite he can't wait until I get my orgasm? I feel his cream ejecting into me and I love being creamed so much, but I'm too far from an orgasm. No point even to grind hard and hope I reach it before he stops expelling.
But, Blog Readers.
His penis won't finish! Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! It just continues! He's not pushing or grunting anymore, just lying on me with a hose-penis ejecting huge volumes of cream into my vagina. He does some moaning too.
How much is in him?!?
My belly feels hot and slippery-full with such a gooey river of cream ...I realize, "I should have tried grinding!" But how could I know it would go on so long?
Spurt! Spurt! Spurt!
Readers, there's cream starting to leak out from around his penis where it goes into me! How is there so much?
"Hey! You!" I shake him ... he's snoring! He's asleep with his penis still in me and orgasming! "Wake up!"
He's too startled! He jumps up, out comes his penis, not stopping at all! Cream everywhere! It's flying all over my belly and legs, all over the futon! I'm covered in so much of it, dripping and glopping everywhere, like in a bukkake but it's only him!
"Stop! Stop! It's too messy!"
Put your mouth on it, Akane! It can't go on forever!
I have to put my hands before my face to get to it ... cream covers my fingers and the palms, runs down my arms to the elbows. I squeeze shut my eyes to move my hand and swallow him. It's all over my face before I find his penis-end with my mouth. I lean hard forward and gulp and gulp ... it won't stop! It's hot down my throat and into my tummy, slick and squishy! Down below, so much is leaking from my vagina down my legs. My poor futon!
He still won't stop!
"Sorry! Sorry! This is original for me! Ahhhh, it's ... uhhhhh!"
Finally, I hit him very hard in his guts.
The creaming stops. He falls back onto his butt. The cream is everywhere, my face, my breasts. my hair, my stomach ... bulging my tummy where I drank so much, draining out from belly through my vagina, running down my legs ... and what does he say?
"Do you always get so messy with sex? It was very good, but you should take a bath now, Akane."
I just crawled to his shirt and used it to wipe up all his leakage.
(The end (of part 1))
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